Monday, April 23, 2012

A new house for a new baby

April 21

So while I am growing a baby until August, our builder is growing us a house. The house should be ready in August or September. Yep, that is what I get for being a planner. It's just the way things fell into place. It should make for a pretty exciting summer! This week we have windows and a roof!

Brock and me in the master bath at 20 weeks

Name Game

Now that we have verified that Baby Fletcher is a boy, we can reveal his name. Jeff and I have had names picked out for quite some time. Choosing Baby Fletcher's name was so fun! We love calling him by his name and really like it!

Corbin "Brock" Fletcher

We plan to call him Brock; however, I am certain that he will decide what he wants to be called and will have several nicknames. We are already trying out a few, such as Broccoli, Brockstar...

It's a Boy!

April 6 19 weeks

Looks like we definitely won't need that painting I won at the baby sale because Baby Fletcher is still a boy! He is growing really well and still appears to be a lot like his dad. He was still asleep at our 9:45 am appointment but gave us a good stretch towards the end and started wiggling around. Apparently, we woke him up.

He was kicking his cute little foot in and out of this shot.

After our appointment, we headed straight to Houston and spent Easter weekend with my entire family. My grandma, aunt, uncle, cousin, and her boyfriend were in town. My other cousin is currently living with my parents while she looks for her own place after accepting a transfer to Houston. Elise was her usual very entertaining self, the boys hung a television at Angie's house and met her new dog and played paintball with Jennifer and Corey for his 30th birthday, and we all enjoyed time together with a fabulous dinner made by my mom.

April was very nice to take me to start registering. Even with all of the really nice things Elise has offered for her cousin to use, there are so many decisions about baby gear. She made it really simple and gave great advice. Jeff was pretty impressed with the registry progress.

Mysterious items appeared in the house after we arrived home. I was going to put this in the other room for now, but it never made it out of my room. It's so sweet!

Kick or a hockey punch? The flutters have turned into kicks or as Jeff calls them hockey punches. Many times they are directed at my bladder, but it is really fun and Jeff has enjoyed catching more of Baby Fletcher's movements.

April 12 20 weeks
While sitting on the couch talking to Ashley, Jeff and I saw Baby Fletcher moving for the first time! I think he moved up a little bit where there is more real estate. I have been getting to feel him move for a few weeks now, but it is so fun when Jeff gets to experience it. Ashley, my very good friend whom I went to graduate school with and now work with, is due one week after I am. The dietitian I work with is due two days after me. Between the three of us and the two other girls in my group due in June, people are kind of afraid to drink the water around there.

April 14
Baby Fletcher attended his first bachelorette party this weekend. He had a great time, and got lots of attention from my sweet friends. Six of us worked in the PACU together and aren't all able to get together very often, but Becca's special day is a great reason!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


March 1 14 weeks
While I was extremely relaxed and enjoying a facial, I am fairly certain that I felt the first flutter of Baby Fletcher. It was the coolest feeling!

March 16 16 weeks
I went for my check-up, and everything sounded good!

March 19 17 weeks
Jeff felt a flutter, and his face was priceless!

I am sporting my maternity scrub pants. They are almost as amazing as maternity jeans.

March 27 18 weeks
I had been feeling pretty good lately until last week. The sonographer saw a fibroid on my optional scan at 13 weeks, but said it was nothing to worry about. At my 16 week check-up, the doctor said that eventually it would lose it's blood supply and die but cause some pain. Well on the second day of pain turned into cramping, I got nervous and called my doctor. They told me to come in the following day if I still had pain. The next morning I had a visible contraction so I might have freaked out a bit. Everything checked out just fine. I did learn that some women are hospitalized at some point for the pain and it can happen again; however, Baby Fletcher was in lala land and noticed none of this. So we will just keep an eye on it, but the doctor doesn't think it should cause major problems.

The following week I got to attend my first big girl National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners conference in San Antonio and learned a ton. I definitely got my exercise mentally and physically. It was kind of interesting...I found my mind wandering between NP and soon-to-be mommy as I learned about vaccine and medication updates. One of the exhibitors asked if something was going on because it seemed like a crazy amount of women were pregnant at this conference. I know they say that when you are pregnant it seems like there are pregnant women everywhere, but I had noticed an unusual number of pregnant women at the conference, especially in the lines for the restroom. We did get pretty funny looks when my two pregnant friends and I wandered around together, but this fortunately led to very generous samples from vendors for diaper cream, baby wash, etc. I also got to visit with a friend from high school. I hadn't seen her since her wedding and got to meet her precious little 5 month old son! 


Somewhere very early on in my pregnancy, Jeff and I parked in the expectant mothers parking spot (he hates it when I do that now) and picked up a Snoogle. Best invention ever! I call it my cocoon. I tried to take it with me to San Antonio, but there was no way to not check a bag and travel for a week with a Snoogle. I did take it to Houston for the weekend, and I plan on taking it to Florida and San Diego. I also plan on using it when I am no longer pregnant. Jeff gives me a hard time, but the has threatened to use it himself. I'm pretty sure when I leave for work in the morning he gets him some Snoogle time.

Monday, April 9, 2012


March 5, 2012

During my last trip to Houston, I had a day all by myself so I made my 1st trip to buy maternity clothes  at Motherhood at 15 weeks. My sister and a few friends have been super generous and allowed me to borrow their maternity clothes so I just bought a few essentials and things for work. I'm kind of in that awkward phase where my clothes don't fit nicely, but I don't need the full maternity stuff. Maternity stuff is much more comfortable! The whole trying on the little pillow to see how things will fit in the near future was a little much, though.

I also stopped at Baby's 1st Furniture to check it out and left with one thing, Baby Fletcher's 1st book. It is called Good Night Texas and is so cute! Each page is about something around Texas, including rodeo, NASA (thought about my mom), Fort Worth, Dallas, and below is my favorite page.  

I also began thinking about Baby Fletcher's nursery. My mom and I tossed around some ideas, and I think I've got it. I will discuss in a future post, but I have been getting constant texts of furniture, pictures, and other items from my mom and cousin whenever they see something that might work. It is so fun, and so sweet that they want to help find the cutest stuff for a sweet nursery.