Sunday, March 25, 2012

Is it a....?

February 27, 2012

No wonder I was so tired...a lot happened in 5 weeks! Below is one of the pictures from an optional sonogram done when I was 13 weeks along. This sonogram is not for determining gender, but the sonographer was 95% sure of her guess. There is proof on another picture, which would mean something has occurred that has not happened in either of our families for at least our generation (except for Jeff). My dad is an only child, my mom has a sister with 2 daughters, and I have two sisters with a niece. Jeff's mom has a sister and a brother, a daughter (Jeff's sister), and he has two girl cousins (one with a daughter). That's a whole lot of estrogen!

Jeff's mom was at the sonogram, and I called my mom right away to tell her the news. Knowing that we would see my family the following weekend we decided to be creative...not sure how mom kept the secret. We all went to breakfast Saturday morning, and my dad opened his birthday present from his first grandson. My dad took me to many pitching lessons and played catch in the backyard no matter how many times I nailed him with a wild throw. This time it will be a baseball instead of a softball.

Angie reading over my dad's shoulder and figuring it out. 

Jeff now has a hockey playing, fishing, car fixing, gettin' dirty buddy because it's a boy!! It is so fun to refer to Baby Fletcher with guesses about his personality. We will have another sonogram when we will confirm this news at 19 weeks on April 6. We got to break the news to all of Jeff's family in person, which was really fun! Jeff found a sweet poem about passing on a name and reworded it a bit for Nana...she knew what it meant before she even finished. Jeff didn't realize it, but Cheryl pointed out that he had even used blue ink. They are thrilled that the Fletcher name will continue! I'm pretty excited...I could end up with a blonde cutie like this...

When we got to tell Jeff's sister, Leanne she had one of the cutest outfits I have ever seen. We would put this on a girl too, but Baby Boy Fletcher will look so cute in this! Aunt Lannie is celebrating her engagement to Matt the same week! Looks like we get to call him Uncle Matt now!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

12 weeks!

February 20, 2012

It happened...

Those who know me well aren't too surprised by this picture, but I don't know that I have ever purchased these two items at the same time.
I was told that I would start feeling less nauseous and have more energy after the first trimester. I was almost there when I picked up a stomach bug, likely from the sweet little kiddos at work because my coworker who had worked with me over the weekend was feeling crummy as well. I spent Monday beginning my 12th week on the couch very uncomfortable and unable to eat much. I left work early the following day and went to the doctor to make sure everything was okay. Everything checked out, but she said that since everything GI related slows down during pregnancy I got to experience the bug a little longer. I worked the next day and then had a chance to fully recover just before we planned to head out of town for Mardi Gras, which had been planned prior to Baby Fletcher's presence.

Thursday morning, Jeff and I went for my second doctor's appointment. We got to hear the heart beat for the first time with a doppler and then signed consents (kind of weird but makes things real). We headed home to rest up before our trip to New Orleans. We aren't really sure what went wrong. We left with plenty of time to get to the airport, but we missed our first flight ever. I did not realize that DFW was one of about 10 airports in the country that require 40 minutes prior to flight time to check baggage. Everywhere else is 30 minutes. After sitting through construction, getting turned around heading to the parking area, just missing the bus and having to wait for the next one, and getting to our terminal, we were there 28 minutes prior to our flight time. There was not a line at security, and we could see the gate from where we were standing. They would not let us check our bag that was not small enough to be a carry-on. Seriously??? We waited on standby all day and then headed home in shock at what had happened. I hit the roof, but of course Jeff was amazing throughout the whole day. We decided that this was a good lesson for us as we aren't used to our plan and schedule not going how we planned...better get used to this.

Since we couldn't celebrate Mardi Gras (I looked into all other ways of getting there), we decided to go through the entire house and clean out everything that we did not use/want to move. We hope to have everything organized and start packing the stuff we don't use before it gets difficult for me to help since the summer will be pretty crazy. Not only will it be a Texas summer, but our house should be complete in August or September just as Baby Fletcher decides to make his/her debut.

The following day, I went first baby shopping spree. Another lady and I were the first ones there when they opened the door at this what motherhood does to you? I couldn't sleep knowing that there was a baby sale going on nearby. I bought a bunch of necessities for myself that are usually exceptions to sales at 15% off with excellent advise from my sister. I also bought "Froggie." "Froggie" was April's first purchase when she came to Dallas to shop for Elise. Elise carries "Froggie" around and always sleeps with him so much that he requires a "spa day" quite often. I also won something and got a free rattle!!

I brought Jeff back later that morning, and we bought our baby furniture. We actually liked the only convertible crib right now that converts to a queen size bed, which works perfectly for a visit from my entire family down the road. I am thrilled that we have furniture, and they are happy to hang onto it until our house is ready for it. They will also deliver it and put it together. I can't wait!

Smidgen received his/her first Valentine's Day gift from Jeff's mom! These are so cute and very yummy too!